Wednesday, April 15, 2015

CRAFTS - We are Official Geocachers!

So, there really is no such thing as an "official" geocacher, but we sure think we are.
Not only have we been searching a lot (and even make whole days out of it) we have have even made and placed some of our own caches!
I can't tell you how exciting making your own for others to find is, It sure is great to find a cache, but placing one is a different kind of excitement.

We have  placed three so far and we have a third prepared. They are all local where we live.
If you are going to place it has to be easy for you to get to in order to maintain it. 

If you are a geochacher and are interested in creating your own cache check this link out:

If you are reading this and have absolutely know idea what a cache or geocaching is you need to check out a few links.
This one first and foremost a short (less than 2 min) video on what it is.

Next, read my blog about our experiences, the fun we have and see pictures on the different kinds of caches (looks and sizes) we have found. 

Hope you are now well informed and love geocaching as much as we do. 
Get out there and explore!

(I placed this post in the 'crafts' category because we acre creating caches)

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