Monday, May 18, 2015

MOTHERHOOD - New Job with Plexus Worldwide

Well it's offical I have become an independent ambassador for Plexus!
It took my sister MONTHS to get me to sign up for it, I am not found of these types of sales, BUT here I am! Why did I change my mind? Because I have personally seen it work!

If you follow my blog you know that I am a mother of three, student and part-time worker.
I absolutely don't have time for working out, I eat very good and am petite myself so I'm really not looking too loose weight, but just feel better. Lots of people do loose lots of weight on this EVEN MEN! My husband even became an ambassador!

 Here is a picture of ALL the different pictures!

You are seeing the correctly 60 Day Money Back guarantee! You can't go wrong there, most new things take 30 days to really take effect, and you get 60 here to really try it!

Most people use Plexus to loose weight, but it can regulate blood sugar, help with acne, energy and even sleep. The even have a supplement that can help with nerve damage! 

I have started a Facebook page where you can inquire about Plexus, hear from others, watch my progress, view pictures and/or become a customer or ambassador yourself. 
If you decide to use this product you will want to become an ambassador to spread the word! 
Visit my Facebook page: Annamarie Go Pink Go Plexus

Also I am starting a Plexus Daily Video Journal on YouTube! 
Watch the videos and see my only personal feelings and progress on the product. I will be posting DAILY videos so you will get a real time of what Plexus does (at least for me)
Here is my Introduction video:
Why you are there make is easy and subscribe!

Here are some Before and After photos of people that use the product Plexus Slim and have weight loss results. 

This first picture here is my sister-is-law. She has actually lots 3 more lbs since this photo. (See I told you I knew people!)

Here are some of the ingredients in case you are interested: 

 FINALLY: To purchase products or to become apart of my team visit  My Plexus!

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