Sunday, March 2, 2014

MOTHERHOOD - Mommy Moments, Love Being a Mom

So this isn't about anything specific only wanted to share some fun photos that have been taken (and not already shared) of my kids being themselves and show all the fun we have. 

I cut my daughters hair! It was as long as mine, and we put it into a pony tail and just cut and I think it turned out pretty darn cute. 

My PICKIEST eater trying something new! This is a miracle let me say. She is trying sticking rice rolled in seaweed. She didn't like it but hey at least she tried it!

Caught her going to the bathroom with the door open, just like her mama, man I set bad examples lol

Building lego's with my son, we had so much fun building and playing with them. 

My son's team photo for his first time playing basketball, so proud of him. 

Holding Isabelle's hand, we were both sick and sitting on the couch holding hands. I love her tiny little hands. 

Preston shooting the basketball ball before the start of his last game. He looks so cute with his matching outfit. He's one of the best on his team and he's never played again so proud of him! 

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