Friday, February 28, 2014

CRAFT - Simple Greeting Card

I really love making greeting cards, since these day especially buying someone card for their gift has gotten SO expensive. Luckily I scrapbook and have lots of fun supplies to utilize. 

First you need to choose the paper and colors you are going to use. I chose a deep red and star paper. The red paper will be the inside and border of outside and the star paper will be the decorative outside. 

Cut the paper to the size you want the card to be...

I chose to cut mine in a vertical rectangle. Also for this card I cut the star paper smaller than the red paper in order to give the outside of the car its red border. 

Net glue the smaller paper for the outside of your card to the bigger paper as shown above. 

In order to keep the card consistent in pattern I cut out the same stars from the left over star scrap paper as shown above. I will use these later to decorate the inside of the card. 

Now I do have a few pre-cut items and I did use those. The two hearts shown above were pre-cut and I decided to use those. If you don't have pre-cut shapes you can obviously cut out your own. I then took some of the red scrap paper and cut out a thin strip to out on the card to sort of connect and and bring yours eyes to the hearts. It gives it that extra little bit that it needs. 

Turning over the card onto the backside I decided to put another pre-cut heart if a different color, but still matching to the start paper. Inside the heart with a white gel pen I wrote "Made with Love '14" I love putting the date on things you always think you will remember, but you don't, it's important and you should always put it. 

The inside of the card looks like this. I'm not as found of the inside as I am the outside, but it's cute and that's the idea! This is for my 17-year-old sisters birthday and I know she will love it. Of course you want to try to make you cards to accommodate the person you are making it for. It makes it that much more special. 

I am going to be making more and more cards like these and for different people and ages, so keep checking back and follow my blog too. I will only have more to show and they can only get better and better. 

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