Saturday, February 22, 2014

MOTHERHOOD - Must do if you are expecting or have young kid(s)!!!

Seriously how amazing is this?!?! I just love it and as soon as I saw it I made one for each of my kids (3 total). For each kid I sent them  a "First Email Ever" letter. I wrote what grade they are currently in and who they're teacher is. Some other current events and what small things we may both forget by the time they are 18. 

They're second email was just some pictures. I went through my cell phone pictures and sent all of them worth sending that shows their personality and explained the pictures a little just in case again we both ave forgotten. 

But remember, especially if you are doing this from birth on, that's a lot of years to cover, and they do have to read it all and look at the pictures so do not bombard their email. Keep it simple and memorable. No need to send forwards and inspirational messages. Don't give it to EVERY SINGLE FAMILY MEMBER that will also bombard the email and possibly be too much. Keep it too just mom and dad maybe maternal grandma from both parents so long as they are not forward crazy. 

When your child(ren) are 18 they will just love this! I don't expect them to look at it all in a day, but they will eventually and they well know how much you loved them all through their childhood. Love this idea!

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