Tuesday, March 4, 2014

MOTHERHOOD - Learning Motivation

Isabelle, my youngest daughter, is having problems in school so I had to figure out what I could do to help her. I worked with her at home and she even saw a doctor. I discovered that she is a very smart girl, maybe too smart. I discovered that she is very capable of learning just unmotivated. 

When her teacher told me she was struggling in school, she told me she didn't know a single letter of the alphabet or any numbers. I worked with her over the weekend and by Monday she could spell her own name, and a few days later should sing her ABCs without error. She is perfectly capable of learning, just she didn't see the point in it. 

SOLUTION: I made her cards specific to what she needs to work on: Days of the Week, Letters, Sounds Letters Make, Months, Reading. Each card has what I feel is needed on it and it the end their is a reward. 
Every time one of the cards is entirely filled with she gets the reward at the bottom of the card. 

I just introduced this to her and she really likes it. The harder the card is to complete the better the reward is, she really wants to finish the "Reading" card because I will have to take her to frozen yogurt. We went through and put stickers on the things she knew and when we were done she wanted to learn more in order to earn more stickers. I really think this will be great motivation for her to learn what she needs to catch up in class. Give it a try, it's worth it. 

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