Sunday, February 16, 2014

CRAFT - Homemade Valentine's for the Classroom!

When I was growing up my mom could send me to school with cupcakes, or chocolate covered pretzels and so many homemade goodies, but times have changed. 

Now that I have kids of my own in the school district I have found that you are not allowed to make anything from home for the classroom. Sucks, but I suppose I get it. Of course this can make classroom parties a tad more difficult and have to put a little more thought into what your kids will be bringing in for their classmates. 

Lucky me I have 3 kids in school so I got to make 3 different Valentine's for their individual classrooms. Thank goodness for Pinterest I must say, that site sure helps with ideas.

The following are the Valentine's I made with my kids and how to make them. 

Above are the three Valentines. 
The first is mt oldest daughters her's is and heart with Starburst in a pocket and says "my heart is bursting with love"
Second is my son's he turned his lollipop's into super heroes. We made a cape and mask and it says on the cape: "Have a SUPER Valentine's Day!"
Third is my youngest daughters she wanted to attach lips for the girls and mustaches for the boys in her class so when they are sucking on their lollipop it looks like they have big lips or a mustache, super cute since mustache thing seems to be "in" right now. 

Scroll down to see how to make each valentine.

Making the heart Valentines:
Begin with some foam paper and trace hearts into the paper. I got 2 hearts per page and then cut off the extra this will be used for the pockets. 

Cut out the heart, and the triangle for the pocket. You can take the extra and hold it up to the heart to make sure you get it the right size. 

Now I used these to connect the pocket to the heart.
Here you can see the wholes I have poked into the heart and pocket. 

and here I have put the connectors int to hold it together. This creates the pocket to put the Starbursts in.
Here is all the different hearts made for my daughters 4th grade classroom. 

 Making the Super Hero Valentines:
Using that same foam paper as above, cut out all of the capes.

and all of the masks
use these again.

too help hold the mask together. 

It's that easy! Slip on the mask over the lollipop and put the stick of the
 lollipop through the cape and wa-la there ya go!

Finish it up by writing on the cape, and put to and from on the inside of the cape.
This was gone for my son in the 1st grade. 

Making the lips/mustaches Valentine Lollipops:

First of all click here to get the link for the lip and mustache stencil and the labels.
Using the foam paper again from above cut out the lips and mustaches:
Stick the lollipop through the mustache.

Or the lips

Print and cut out the labels and glue them on the lollipops.

Here is how it will look!

And here they all are ready to go to the pre-school class.
I hope you enjoyed and maybe get some great ideas of next year. Feel free to ask any questions, thanks! 

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