Tuesday, February 18, 2014

CRAFT - Cut-up Shirtapaloza, Shirts #3, #4, and #5

Shirt #3

This shirt was very easy, but I actually love it! All I did was cut of the bottom seam of the shirt, then cut off about 3 inches off the sides (but not the seam that goes around the arm). Latly just tie the bottom together.
I love how this shows off my side tattoo.

Shirt #4

This one was a lot more time consuming, but love it too.

Again cut off the bottom seam of the shirt. Then just cut small strips that will end right above your stomach.
I cut them about 2 cm wide. Then pull each strand, by holding each end of a single stand at a time and GENTLY pulling. 

 Next tie each strands in sets of two and do this all the way around the shirt. 

The next part I cant put into words but crisscross stands and tie them again. 

Shirt #5

Another simple shirt. No cuts to the front of the shirt. First cut of the top part down to where it is shown below in the first picture. Then start from the bottom of the shirt along both side seams and cut up the seam half-way up the shirt (make sure the seam is being removed from the shirt).

With the part left that is still attached to shift cut them down the center of the back of the shirt and then cut the two strips in half and tie them together. 

That's it! 3 pretty simple shirts to turn your dull tank into something fun!

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