Saturday, February 15, 2014


We've have gone this whole winter with only 2 snow days and the snow that stuck only lasted 24 hours...lame. Finally we get a HUGE storm and it was amazing, in 48 hours it barely stopped snowing, it was wonderful. The town was so pretty, people were stuck in their homes, school was canceled. I've never seen so much snow in my life and I may not ever again. 

The pictures I took were more than I usually would with snow pictures, but we just had so much fun and I wanted to share my pictures with you all.  

Loki staying as close to the house as he can, since her disappears in the snow. 

Preston half buried in snow. 

Accumulation on the roof.

Sitting in the snow.

Making in "rain" snow.

I think Meah got pushed in, ha.

Meah and Preston.

He is actually sitting in a kid lawn chair lol

Driving through town the first storm.

Our backyard the 2nd morning

Snow up to the window.

My dog can barely get through the snow.

Our snow lady.

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