Thursday, January 2, 2014

MOTHERHOOD - Only ONE Day of Snow

We had ONE week of freezing temperatures from the Arctic Winds that's rolled in and man was it cold!!! At night it was getting down to -15 and when I had to walk the kids to school in the morning it was a whole -2 out. Definitely the coldest my skin has ever felt.

In that week it only snowed ONCE and in fact this entire winter that has been the only day it has snowed. It snowed for almost a full 24 hours... then stopped... and hasn't snowed since. 

Even though it was about 10 degrees outside we put on our snow gear went out in the front yard and we played for a whole 15-20 minutes and here's the pictures we produced...

Yes, that's a nice cold beer my husband is holding...


...and the girls thought it was hilarious!

Our family photo (and Christmas card photo)

snow kisses (thanks Meah for taking the picture)

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