Sunday, January 4, 2015

PHOTOGRAPHY- Time Lapse (Christmas) Photo

Ok, so I admitt I should've done this every , but I didn't even think about this photo until it came up on my Timehop app. 

This is the photo that came up on my Timehop:
This photo is from 3 years ago.

It was then that I posted the picture on my Instagram and Facebook and my little sisters said, "You should go back there and recreate the photo."
Of course, that is an amazing idea.

Today I got the kids all dressed up in their Christmas get-up and we went to the park to the same bridge. Weather was a little different, we had snow and it was very cold, but we did it.

Here is the outcome: 

I absolutely LOVE it! It truly shows how much they have grown in 3 years, I will be trying to this every year now. I highly recommend do this with you kid(s), its just a little more than looking back at old pictures. I love this place too because I can really see how tall they each have gotten.

Obviously a Christmas theme is optional, this is just what I am starting.

If you do this, post your before and after pics below in the comments I would love to see yours!

Thanks for visiting!

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