Monday, February 3, 2014

CRAFT - Cut-up Shirtapaloza! Shirts #1 and #2

I've loved cutting up shirts since I started Zumba almost three years ago. 
Recently my grandma gave me some shirts that were too big, but I said I would take anyways... to cut up!!! I'm going to make each one look cute and fit me! I'ts going to be a CUTE and COLORFUL summer!

And it begins...

Shirts #1 and #2

 First cut off the seam of the bottom of the shirt.

Second, cut the bottom as shown by the black lines I drew. The pieces of cloth should only be about an inch wide. When you have 5 or 6 rows cut the last one all the way to the end. 

Third, cut off all the seams connected to the rows as shown in these tow pictures. 

Pull string LIGHTLY to make it look like this. 

Take another shirt. This shirt is too big for me so I'm going to make it fit me.

Cut off the sides and make sure you have measured it so that you don't cut off too much!

Next, poke holes all down the sides about 2 inches apart. 

use the "rope" you made to loop it through the holes like you would tie your shoes. Start at the top and work your way down.

Typically you would end your shirt here (as shown above) but I measured mine wrong and it still didn't fit so I made some cuts to the back.

I cut cm slits in the back from the top to the bottom and tied them into knots using 4 at a time.(It will looks better without the bra. Planning on it being a bikini shirt)

Side view.

Shirt #2

I took the original first shirt I cut up for the "rope" and all I did was cut the seam off both sides, Cut slits in the sides about 2-3 inches in and 1 inch apart and tied them one at a time together. The straps were also too long so I cut the top and tied a knot. 

End results...

Keep checking back for new shirts I have A LOT more I'm going to be doing! :)

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