Friday, September 27, 2013

CRAFT - Simple Girl's Pinata

My daughter turned 5 today!!! Happy Birthday to her :) 
Her party is tomorrow and I've been working on a simple pinata for her party.

To being I cut up some cereal boxes into the shape I wanted (in this case a circle) and then taped it up. Don't laugh at my tap all I had was my son duct tape, ha. Here is the finished produce: 
 I also added a wire hanger with the tape because last time I made a pinata my hook attached to the top of the pinata did hold so I needed something stronger and more sturdy and more 'attached' to the pinata so it doesn't beak off at the first hit. 

After this id done I took a newspaper and cut it into strips.

Then it's time to make the paper mache. I chose to do flour and water since it was all stuff I already had. Make sure its 1 part flour to 5 parts water. For this size pinata I did 2 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup flour and still had extra each time.  Use a non-stick pot (easier clean up)

Bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. STILL CONSTANTLY (seriously don't even walk away, I did once and my 2nd batch got clumpy). Also use a wooden or plastic spoon because this stuff will stick to the bottom of the pan, you need to be able to scrape the bottom as you stir. After you've let it boil let it cool down, not completely, just enough to where you can handle the stuff. 

When it's cool enough to handle take a strip of the news paper and dip half of it into the paper mache, then place it between two finger and run your fingers down the strip to take off any over abundance then do the same to the other side. Don't pull on the strip too hard or it will rip. the more paper mache that is on the strip the longer it will take to dry. 

Place each strip on your pinata and make sure to not overlap if you can. Once the pinata is covered hang it to dry over night. 

Check in the morning and make sure completely dry before making the next layer. Repeat these steps until you have 3-4 layers (use your judgement on how strong you want it, it will get harder when full of candy).
When all layers are done and pinata is completely dry, take a sharp knife and cut a tab out of the top of the pinata to put the candy in, then put the candy in it :) (sorry no pic of this) 

Time to decorate the pinata. 
Get whatever color streamer you need. For this particular pinata I used pink and I started on the sides first. Make strips that will fit and cover the area you are going to be covering. 

Then take the strips and cut little slits in them like so:

Then place a THIN line of glue across the top of the strip that is uncut.

When beginning to place streamers on pinata ALWAYS START FROM THE BOTTOM. 

Complete all sides. 

Now i did my strips long enough that I don't have to do the center because I'm putting a picture there. 


Very simple and not too crazy , my daughter loves it. Will get more extravagant as kids get older :)

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