Wednesday, September 25, 2013

MOTHERHOOD - My kids first day of school!

So to just kind of kick start my blog I decided to share this pic from the my kids first day of school. They started school Sept 3rd; Meah started 4th, Preston 1st and Isabelle is in Pre-K. This is always one of the best memories a mom has at this age your 'little baby' going to the next grade it's the other reminder aside from their birthday that they are growing Some people think I take too many photos, but I never think I take enough I want to capture and remember every single moment with my kids because even though at any given moment I think this is awesome I will totally remember this, a year later I have forgotten. I wish I could retain every single memory, every moment I spend with my kids, but it's just not possible... so for everyone reading this I will never stop taking pictures, I will never decrease the amount I take I will only take more and more and more. 

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