Tuesday, December 30, 2014

CRAFTS - Christmas Classroom Games

I volunteered in my daughters class for their Christmas party. Because I was the only parent volunteer I had to come up with all of the activities. I came up with a pin-the-nose of Rudolph game, and bean bag snowman game (this I got off of Pinterest), and bought sugar cookies from the local grocery store for cookie decorating.

Here are the TWO games that I made.

Pin-the-nose on Rudolph

For this game I just took that thick post board and painted Rudolph on it. I traced the size of his nose and cut out a bunch of red noses for the kids and stuck tape on the back for them to stick the noses on. Very Simple.

Snowman Bean Bag Toss

For this game I took a white trifold and drew out the snowman in pencil so I could cut the wholes out before painging. Then, I painted on the blue and the snowman. I think took other scrapbook paper to make a hat, scarf and arms for the snowman. His buttons are just round Christmas stickers. After drying I painted on the snowflakes. 

Then I ran to the thrift store to buy some fabric and to the grocery store to buy dry beans and mead bean bags. I'm sorry I forgot to take pictures of the bean bag process. Very easy though, just cut out 2 squares of equal size. Sew three sides together (inside out) then flip so right side up and add beans and sew last side. 


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