Wednesday, June 11, 2014

MOTHERHOOD - Eating Right & Working Out

Ok if you are a mother you know it is so hard to find time for yourself, but you need to make the time!
It may be hard at the beginning, but it is worth it in the end. 

I don't care what everything on the net says everyone is different and you can't follow what the internet tells you is best for you. 

My personal preference (not to be taken by everyone) is I like a light breakfast, light lunch and heavier dinner with protein. 

Breakfast Ideas: Toast w/ Jam, Bagel thin with cream cheese, oatmeal with walnuts and cranberries, a bowl of fruit, yogurt,  or bowl of granola.

Lunch Ideas: black bean and sweet potato burger, chicken salad, simple sandwich, smoothie with a boost, chicken salad sandwich, sandwich wrap, thin crust pizza (use multigrain tortillas or bagel thins)

Dinner Ideas: taco salad, bbq chicken kabobs, fish tacos, chicken salad, sun-dried tomato/basil/goat cheese chicken, turkey sliders. 

Now for me if I eat a heavy breakfast of lunch I either don't eat again for a very long time or not at all and that is actually worse than eating three full meals. I do agree that you should continuously eat threw the day, but just keep in healthy and keep it smaller portions. The biggest thing is drink lots of water, sometimes being dehydrated can trick you into thinking you're hungry. 
Let me know in the comments any other yummy healthy meals. 


Working out your body is a great way to make your mind, your heart and soul feel better. 
I really like this program right now called Blogilates.
They even have a social site for the people involved, they call us POPsters.
My user name is tattooedmommy87 add me as a friend.
Even better, download the free app on your iPhone or Android called: Blogilates

Sign up for their newsletter and get a free monthly calendar, here is June's to get started!

Even if you can't do the workout above, there are plenty of other videos from Blogilates on YouTube. Pick anything ranging from 5 to 20 minutes and target whichever areas of your body you want. 

I highly recommend this workout, and the more people you can get to partake with you the better and more motivation you have. I am currently doing this with my sister and best friend, now it's your turn and I am here to help motivate you!

I hope you liked my suggestions, I know I am just one person, so please feel free to let me know your thoughts and other ideas and recipes. Can't wait to hear from you all!

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