Wednesday, November 6, 2013


So my son had finally met with the mental health specialist twice and he thinks Preston is ADHD, but he wants to talk to a few more people and observe him a little more. 
I told the guy I absolutely am again medication, but of course he still suggested it. I'm not really sure what to do, bit I know I'm doing the right thing by not putting him on meds. He is only 7 and ifhe is a little hyper so what. I would love some pointers on how to deal with it thought and that is what I am there for. I hope I can learn to deal with it so me and Preston can enjoy his school time and home time better. I did find out that one of the reasons him and I struggle so much when he gets home from school is because he tries so hard to do things right and appease people that by time he gets home he is just exhausted because he is trying so hard. That made total sense to me and so I'm going to try to work with that now when he gets home from school.  This guy is going to go and talk to his teachers then I have another appointment next week to discuss better ways for me to interact with him an disciplinary solutions. 

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